Watch and Wait or WAW is a common approach taken on the advice of medical practitioners following a diagnosis of cancer or some other medical problem identified. WAW is about allowing enough time to pass before medical intervention or therapy is used.

WAW usually means monitoring and testing in the interim, so that more can be known about a malady and whether it might resolve itself or worsen before it is addressed. WAW is often used where there is an element of uncertainty about the diagnosis or where the risks associated with medical treatment outweigh the benefits of early intervention at the time.

This web site is under construction, but if you have medical concerns you should always seek advice from a registered health practitioner. If given a WAW recommendation, it may still be a good idea to seek a second medical opinion from another health practitioner.

For most people, health care starts with a visit to their general practitioner or GP. The GP may then choose to refer the patient to a specialist.